"Stop copying me!"
"Stop copying me!"
"No, really, stop copying me!"
"No, really, stop copying me!"
All kids do this, to one another, but also to parents. It gets annoying when it gets to this stage:
"Honey, please pick up your toys."
"Honey, please pick up your toys."
"Funny. Now, please."
"Funny. Now, please."
"If I have to pick them up, they will go in time out."
"If I have to pick them up, they will go in time out."
Seriously, that drove me crazy when I was a kid; I have low tolerance for it as an adult. So when the kiddo does it and it has gone on too long, I will say something in Spanish*. She will do her absolute best to mimic me, and if her pronunciation needs some help, I'll just say it again. And again, as necessary. She thinks it fun for a while, but when she realizes that we're having a lesson and I'm enjoying it way too much, she will stop. Until next time, heh heh heh...
*Don't worry if you don't speak another language! You can always say things like "I'm going to help Mom clean the house today", then, after they repeat that, get all excited and thank them profusely and give them a chore. (OK, I haven't gone that far--yet--but it's on my list of tricks. I'm kinda looking forward to it.)
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